We Protect Our Ecosystem with Zero Waste

Kaynayştır - Wastecykler System Intake Doors Types

The natural world is a vital resource for us, but it is also the only thing we will bequeath to future generations. If we do not protect the environment, natural resources will be depleted, the air will be polluted, the water polluted and the soil polluted. Plant and animal species disappear and global climate change is accelerated. However, by protecting the environment, we can protect natural resources, reduce environmental pollution and leave a healthy world to future generations.
Kaynayştır - Wastecykler System Intake Doors Types

Let's separate our waste, protect our future.

Easy Waste Separation

Waste windows allow users to easily separate all waste while they are at home or in their flat...

Kaynayştır Kapak (11)

Easy Access, Easy Use!

Separation windows are located on each floor, in communal areas or in the kitchens of households. The lids open at the push of a button with the ease of a fingertip.

Kaynayştır Kapak (9)

Intake Doors Open Automatically with One Press

The lids are temporarily opened and then closed when disposing of recyclable waste such as plastic waste, paper waste, oil waste, battery waste, etc...

Kaynayştır Kapak (15)

Separate Waste Oil with Kaynayştır WasteCykler and Separate!

The frying oil drawer specially conveys waste frying oil to the central storage. The strainers in the oil box can be easily removed, washed and reused...

Kaynayştır Kapak (8)
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